What is Bronchoscopy?

Bronchoscopy is a method of using a special camera technique to visualize the inside of the lungs and the breathing pipes and tubes (airways). This will help the doctor in certain lung disease condition to directly determine what may be wrong with the lungs or airways (diagnostic and therapeutic purposes).

An instrument called the bronchoscope is inserted into the airways, usually through the nose or mouth and can assist in seeing such abnormalities in patient's airways such as foreign bodies, bleeding, tumours, or inflammation. Specimens/fluid samples can also be taken from inside the lungs and sent to the special laboratories for analyses.

At LLA, we offer this service to both children and adults when it is needed.

Our friendly and highly qualified staff are able to do bronchoscopy in the LLA mini-theater, but where properly arranged, we have the capacity to move our special  machine to the hospital of your choice and perform the procedure at your convenience.

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